The Pussy Palace


Preserving and animating the oral histories of 36 former patrons, organizers, and allies of Toronto’s infamous Pussy Palace bathhouse events.

Organized by the Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Committee, the Pussy Palace was a series of radical public sex events for queer women and trans people in Toronto, Canada (c. 1998-2014). On September 15, 2000, five male police officers from Toronto’s 52 division interrupted over 350 patrons in what became the last major police raid of a queer bathhouse in Canadian history.

From February to August of 2021, the LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory at the University of Toronto Mississauga (Director, Elspeth Brown) collected 36 interviews with bathhouse patrons, event organizers, and community activists. Our interviews address not only the raid, but also queer joy and radical sex/gender cultures in turn-of-the-21st-century Toronto.

We have since transferred the digitized collection to our collaborative partner, The ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2+ Archives for long-term preservation and community access. However, a desire to connect broader publics with this history inspired us to experiment with a variety of project outcomes, both creative and scholarly. Whether you are a fellow scholar, artist, or community member, we invite you to browse this digital project showcase and engage with this radical moment of Toronto’s sexual culture for yourself.


Not sure where to start? These four recommended pathways invite you to interact, visualize, sample, or bear witness to our most prominent project outcomes.


Digital Exhibit

Ever wondered what it’s like to visit a queer bathhouse? Come explore the Palace for yourself in this immersive, digital exhibit.

Discover the evolution of the Palace events, the raid, and the early histories that informed this moment of radical sexual culture.

Enter the bathhouse to visit 9 digitally illustrated rooms, where clickable objects spark relevant interview soundbites detailing the joys and tensions of patronizing these events.

Use a laptop or desktop computer for a better experience.


Instagram Stories

Originally released on Instagram, this illustrated series depicts the most memorable Palace activities shared across our oral history interviews.

Over 19 episodes, the series blends digital sketches with narrative text to reimagine our impression of an “average night” at the Palace, if there ever was such a thing.


Video Shorts

Our collection of video shorts amplifies curated highlights from over 45 hours of Zoom interview footage.

Thematic shorts, featuring narrator reflections on the raid, care, and sense memory.

Short, resonant interview soundbites laid over rich imagery of the Palace interior.

Curated interview excerpts highlighting compelling themes emerging during the collection phase.

The ArQuives: Canada's LGBTQ2S+ Archives, 34 Isabella Street Toronto, Canada


Oral History Interviews

The Pussy Palace Oral History Project fonds is currently preserved at The ArQuives: Canada’s LGBTQ2S+ Archives.

The fonds contains over 45 hours of video-recorded oral histories with 36 community narrators, interview transcripts, narrator photographs, and interviewer field notes.

Browse the list of participating project narrators and connect to the associated open access records.